Self-Acceptance — The Rose
After years of rejecting U.G. Krishnamurti, I am so delighted to have finally come to the core of his message, which I see in the simple analogy of the rose & the daisy. If I am a rose, I am fine — I am content, even happy with my rose-ness. I have no needs beyond those that Nature abundantly supplies — or doesn’t. It’s all the same to me, as I live my rose life.
If, however, I look to another flower — any flower (even another rose), with any sort of envy, looking up to that one in some way, my contentment exits, stage left. I have thus lost all satisfaction with my rose-ness. End of story. It is as we look to others, especially sages, gurus, & Masters, with any sort of envy — wishing we had what they seem to have — there goes our contentment, our satisfaction with what we are.
If we make Gautama (or anyone) the daisy, we, as the rose, are in a sad state. We no longer want to be the rose, now we want to somehow marry our rose-ness to the daisy we admire. We study daisy-ness, thinking to learn, to gain, thereby. When we reduce it to the floral analogy, it’s somehow clearer, easier to see. We adore the rose for being the rose, never thinking to compare it to a daisy — yet we do this with ourselves every time we resort to any kind of comparison.
Can you see the hidden corruption in comparison? It’s pregnant with a non-acceptance that most don’t perceive, as it’s underlying the mental logic that’s doing the comparing. Comparison makes perfect sense to the mind, being a handy tool it often uses. That’s why, until we exit identification with the mind, with our thought processes, sufficiently to begin observing them at work, new clarity can arise — & it does.
You will be amazed by the new perspectives, the insights that come with this non-mental clarity. I hear some minds saying, “Yes, but you use the mind to perceive these new insights & perspectives.” Let that go, for just the moment it takes to consider this: the brain is not the sole owner of a thought monopoly. Both heart & gut produce neurotransmitters, those little “brain chemicals.” This, alone, should give us pause.
While I have often proposed that brain & nervous system, together, form a biological transceiver (transmitter/receiver), with the addition of the hair as antennae for that, this is just the biology. The mind is something else, which some call the Mental Body. Though still in 3D, it is outside the realm of current 3D vision, as is the emotional body, & the etheric body, components of what many call the aura.
We remain in 3D, so far — but are not limited to that, being multidimensional. As long as we remain tied to identification with the body-mind — which includes the mostly invisible elements mentioned above — we limit ourselves, unnecessarily. We thus place ourselves within a 3D box. By staying in that, we are not able to access that which goes beyond it. Do you see?
Our rose-ness is not strictly a thing of 3D. Actually, it is only in 3D that we see things & people as separate objects, as the 5 senses perceive them. The answers we seek are not within the box, so we must find the exit — be brave enough to look beyond, to conceive of something outside the box as possible.
Until we take this step, we remain stuck, chasing our tail in endless circles. This is where most of science finds itself, today, unable to even consider outside-the-box possibilities, not knowing how to design experiments to test such hypotheses.
The whole box & all of its contents must be set aside — tabled, if you will — to pursue any trek of awakening. The box, itself, is not The Matrix, which is an overlay that’s been stealthily woven into that. 3D could exist just fine, absent that overlay — as it did before it was applied. We can’t really say what that was like, at this point — beyond the obvious fact that it was different. To pursue that would involve more tail-chasing, as it would be mind, trying to figure something out.
It is always beneficial to come back to our NowHere point & anchor within it. This is the only spot of which I’m aware that holds the exit door, the escape point from The Matrix. Heart is the key that unlocks that door, my friends. I eagerly encourage one & all to find it, & to find their way in. This is the portal into the infinity/eternity that is our native habitat, the point of expansion out into the All That Is, as well as into the nowhere, the void, the emptiness.
Thus, the Is & the Is Not, the emptiness, await the one entering Heart.
Where are you on your journey? Have you considered some of these things — or are you more discontent with your rose-ness, your Now-ness, your whatever-flower-it-is-ness? We don’t find “the way” by following someone else’s path, their advice. That’s just not do-able. They can only find the way for themselves. Standing as teachers to the rest of us is a questionable venture which many pursue.
It is all about steps along the path, stages we go through. I just went through one of the quickest phases, myself, in following the work of Lisa Transcendence Brown. While watching my first live webinar of her in an interview, I looked up with deep shock. Things were just so obvious to me, now, that I hadn’t seen clearly, before.
What I saw was a deep spiritual ego, there. In my initial shock, I realized that it could be me, projecting that upon her — so my first look was within. On not finding it inside, I then allowed the awareness to penetrate deeper, releasing resistance to it. So many things were now clear as day to me, & I realized that they’d been there, all along — just resisted, not seen, not allowed entry.
All real change goes on within, friends, though we often perceive it, externally. It’s not that people or things “out there” are changing. Yes, things do shift & morph over time, but the only real change is within — is internal. It’s us, shifting & morphing that’s being reflected back to us in what we’re witnessing. Do you see, for this goes very deep?
Phases for humanity & for each one, personally, that once took long stretches of time to outplay are now happening quickly, the time required continually shortening as we ride the Great Awakening wave rolling through Cosmos. This is the In-Breath of Source, pulling us back “closer” to That. How have you noticed this in your life, perhaps in your relationships, but in any area or aspect?
To the extent that we are free of resistance, we are all riding that wave.
Being content with our rose-ness is a critical key. Nor does the rose ever exit the NowHere of her experience, from which we could well take a lesson. Nature is full of such lessons via both flora & fauna. Sometimes our domesticated pets get a bit out-of-sync with this, due to the conditions we impose upon them, but animals in Nature are always present in the NowHere of their moment.
Before I close, let me assure you that I am in no way against Lisa or what she presents. I am wholeheartedly behind her & all of us as we take our individual journeys. I benefited from my time studying her work, discovering there certain keys that I find quite beneficial to my own trek. It’s just that the time of my stay with her was so short, as I was able to gather these keys rather quickly — thanks to the great wave of awakening we’re within.
From Heart, there is no movement of being against — ever.
What’s in error is holding anyone in too much esteem, thus showing-up some measure of discontent with our own rose-ness. Do you see? So we could even say that I am the one “at fault,” there, for admiring her a bit too much — her ability to see & interact on the broader stage of dimensions.
It takes coming into very deep levels of self-acceptance, friends — before proceeding further. Until we do so, we carry around unseen layers of discontent with who we are — dissatisfaction with our NowHere state or status, with our rose-ness. Until these are seen & addressed, we are not well equipped to continue our journey. Our current issues will only keep repeating, will keep tripping us up. As they do, we’ll likely project that onto those people & organizations with whom we interact. We’re stuck in the box.
I actually love Lisa, admiring the deep trek she’s been willing to take. It was my own way of interacting, some subtle element still remaining of discontent with my own rose-ness, which empowered that experience of “following” her — do you see? We can ever & always find the cause & core of whatever challenge we face at any time by going within.
Until we do that, we haven’t really resolved anything
Source is generous, abundant, ever merciful. Source will always be presenting the next step to help us discover all things, within. So until we look within for simply everything, the stories, the themes will just keep repeating — as the dog chasing its tail, with no good end in sight. Once we find & accept what we see within as the possible core of the problem — the acceptance, itself, leading to resolution — only then will the endless cycling cease, making way for the next phase, the next round of the upward-trending spiral.
We’ve thus entered a new round of experience, to our never-ending deLight.
Enjoy the shortness of your current cycles, being inward-centered, NowHere present, & ever flexible in what perspective you choose to take. Wish everything, everyone well, harboring zero negativity. Look within! Nothing is lost at any time.
Though relationships & other things may fade & fall away, you can always choose to look at the other side of that coin, choosing to view the benefit — to all parties involved.
Life is universally beneficial — relying entirely on your choice of perspective. 😉
1:18 pm, Sunday 2017/10/08, 1st, Mayan day 1 Road / Eb