Abandoning Two-ness, Pt. 1 of 2

9 min readSep 17, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

Who, with me, is ready to set all two-ness aside — to dive more fully into the One? We wet our toes, at times — perhaps times of meditation, or just watching the sun rise, the sun set. There are those times of perfect harmony with someone very close. Yet, before long, the tendency — the long-practiced habit — is to find ourselves back in mind, yet again.

Who told us to base our whole life on the mind, to live that way? Well, everyone, basically — from childhood right on up. Sure, some of us were born to more awakened parents, thus getting a better start — yet little of that tends to survive the trek through school. When everyone you meet is functioning on that level, you get sucked-in. It just happens.

I’m so glad to be living in this time of frequencies rising. Though not as accessible to the those in Thinker mode, yet it’s palpable when we’re in Heart. We just feel it, just sense it, somehow, without having to go to the scientific research that documents it in so many ways.


From Thinker mode, even the research isn’t enough, our beliefs being what they are — such powerful things laced throughout the mind. We’re taught to believe that we’re small — insignificant, really. We came up from monkeys, no less, & not by any sort of divine design, either — oh, no — by freaking chance, by happenstance, an accident, a big bang…whatever.

Yeah, right, as in not. Nor are we schooled on the truths around free will, or most of us wouldn’t feel forced into this or that decision or situation.

We’re tremendously Powerful beings, playing a game of being small.

I guess we’ve got some purpose behind that, but I surely haven’t figured it out.


Besides, that would just be indulging mind & its games — trying to figure it out. It just is how it is — or at least how it seems to be — & that’s fine. If we don’t start there — with simple, basic acceptance of what is — we’re going nowhere, fast. Just spinning our wheels.

We do this for lifetimes, folks. Talk about habits to release! We have more than just a few. This phony Matrix “reality” has quite a head-start on our current lifetime. That’s likely behind why some habits seem so very challenging to release. We don’t have to break them — just let them go, as we move on.

Move on where? Into greener pastures, for sure — those laying themselves out before us during this Great Shift, this splitting of the realities, this move through the dimensions becoming more clear by the day.

Here’s the deal, though — you’re charting your reality based on your beliefs. Thus, those not going inward, not sorting their way through those beliefs, once again are going nowhere, fast.

At some point we all come face-to-face with the reality that we’re so much more — more than we’ve been taught, more than we’ve been told. Oh, the books are out there, the information widely available on the web. But if you don’t know what you don’t know, what’s going to start you on the research, on this trek?


Those choosing to take the inward journey get the messages — well, from within. They just arise. No telling how that works, but it does. These are the things science can’t wrap its head around, so we find little help, there. Many of their discoveries can be interpreted in other ways than they’ve chosen to view them — but that’s on us to discover, isn’t it? Being thoroughly locked into Thinker mode, they’re not currently capable of taking this trek.

Science is not known for having a flexible perspective, rather more for the reverse. Once it’s theorized, once it’s passed their tests for proof, it may as well be written in stone. From Heart view, this gets rather funny, actually.

They don’t know what they don’t know — just like the rest of us — but they’re so darn sure of what they believe they do know. Nor do they don’t realize how closed they are. They block themselves from making new discoveries every day of the week — hugely unaware, but for the few.

That, too, just is what it is, so let’s not take the detour of trying to fix it — unless you’re a scientist, of course. In which case, hey, check-out the view from within Heart. I don’t care that your current meters & sensors can’t detect this — that does not mean it doesn’t exist. Sometimes you’re more like children than adults.


So where am I going with this? Hey, do you think I know? Seldom, if ever, do I know where a journal is going, what it will say. There is well & truly an intelligence — a greater Intelligence — that somehow abides within this scientifically undetectable “space” I choose to call Heart. Some call it soul, I guess, but the words are ever & only hints, unable to be anything more in their limited, linear way.

Letter by letter, word by word, line by line — what else could they be but linear, product of duality that they are? We don’t all even mean the same things with the same words. Likewise, across time, words once meaning one thing, now mean something quite different. Come on, when we track the etymology of “grammar” way back, we find “grimoire.” So from spelling & cursive, to get spells & curses is not such a surprise — not really. 😉


When you step back far enough, folks, things really do begin to get rather funny. This starts as soon as we get into Observer mode, setting Thinker mode aside, now & again. It gets ever better, the closer we approach Heart.

That’s where the real fun actually begins — where the Clarity begins to arise. At first it’s just clarity, but after a steady time of abiding in Heart, it somehow morphs into Clarity.

Oh, it’s a bit crazy, too, I’ll admit — but that’s mostly our view when we’ve slipped back into mind, after a time of being in Heart. Heart is rock-solid, steady, & clear — nothing crazy, there. We don’t realize the choices we’re making with every thought we indulge. We’re actually in process of choosing in what dimension we abide within this NowHere moment — with every thought.


I’ve come to see that it all gets down to frequency & vibration — something you’d think science with be excited to explore. After all, what “separates” the dimensions but frequency? Yet, I’m discovering that the dimensions are not really so separate, after all.

The latest part of my personal journey is this discovering that all dimensions co-exist, right Now & right Here, wherever we are. Which one we perceive has everything to do with our frequency in the NowHere moment — where our focus is placed.

I’m finally over believing we all share the same reality, the same planet, the same anything. We don’t. Yet there’s no one who can prove this to anyone but the self. Again, science isn’t yet geared-up for this stuff, though no doubt one day they’ll get around to it. They don’t even yet recognize that thought forms the basis of creation. No matter what it is, it began as a thought, & built-up from there.

Heck, science still believes that thought originates in the brain — poor dears — not yet seeing both brain & nervous system as the transmitter/receiver that it is — picking up things from the ether & everywhere else. Yes, there is also the black-budget stuff, the hidden science that’s not widely shared.

So there are those in the scientific community who are well aware of so much more. Yet, at risk of life & limb, of their safety & that of their dear ones, they know better than to speak-up. (What they’re not banking on is that we’re becoming more telepathic 😈.)


Okay, yet another something that just is what it is. It will be so great when we realize we don’t need to let them hold us back — but more importantly, that we don’t need to get in there, trying to “fix” things, either. Just let them be.

It will all come out in the wash. With so much Light, i.e., high-intensity energy, hitting the planet, the solar system, etc., such things cannot long remain in the dark. It will all work itself out.

There’s such great freedom, when living in/from Heart. Nothing bugs you, as it once did, back when you were in Thinker mode all the time. That becomes so passe that no one could pay you enough to return to it. Yes, even money, that sacred cow worshiped by so many, loses its value to you. How? You just know your every need will be met, supplied by an amazing, benevolent Cosmos in which all abide.


Yes, you’ve got to align with that, of course, so there’s the rub. That’s the journey of dumping old habits, old ways of thinking, old perspectives. Sometimes they just fall away, somehow, but not always. Often it requires use of that ever-present variable called free will. As we begin to use it wisely, & no longer misuse it (as mind can’t seem to stop doing), that’s when everything begins to really shift.

As we choose to align ever more with Who we truly are — this marvel of Source-in-form — that’s when the fireworks really kick-in. And the funny thing — among many — is that we’re not really doing diddly-squat. It’s somehow being done through us, done for us, in some strange, unimaginable way.

We have these marvelous old Wisdom teachings & sayings, but then we’ve had them with us all along. We can even repeat some of them by rote, but that has no bearing, no real meaning, until we begin to experience what they’re telling us about. Remember, words can ever be only about something — only the map, never the territory they describe.


Somehow we begin to internalize this stuff. It just arises from within, along with the clarity that morphs into such a Clarity as we’ve never before known. There is literally no way of which I’m aware to transmit these things. Seems they must arise from within to be directly experienced. Otherwise, it’s just alphabet soup, a jumbled collection of words.

Even our DNA is responsive to language, friends. Did you know that? If not, do check into the work of Russian scientist, Dr. Petr Gariaev. Though most of it is in Russian, there’s ample English translation on the web to get a solid grasp on his research. Nor is he the only one, of course, but Russia far exceeds the West in this line of inquiry.


The only question becomes, what are you going to do with all of this? What journey are you choosing to take? What will you make of your life? When you realize that no one can teach you, can give you literally any of this, is that exciting — or frightening?

This whole ride is really quite humbling, in a way. We’re not who we think we are — nowhere close. We’re so far beyond that as to be truly ridiculous, believing all the nonsense we’ve been fed along the way. It’s all about choice, about our use of free will — which is actually the most empowering thing we could ever be told.

Heart-shaped wavenspirefusion.com

See you on the other side of The Matrix, friends — when you find your way into Heart.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 9/17/2017

“You will never reach the place where you will not need to be diligent about your choice of thought. Because you live in a world that is determined to show you every pocket of despair. So you must diligently choose. But it gets easier and easier and easier to do so.

“Right now, it may feel to you like those moments of Connection are the rare ones. There will be a time when those moments of Connection will feel so normal that it will shock you when you get into a place of disconnection.”

Excerpted from San Antonio, TX on 11/24/01

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)


2:20 am, Sunday 2017/09/17, 2nd, Mayan day 6 Monkey / Chuen




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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