A very useful, helpful article. I have another perspective, not to correct or change anything, here — just to share. In my life I’ve outwardly expressed anger maybe only 3 times. We both know that’s unrealistic, that more anger is deeply stored away.
That being said, one of those times was quite strange. I had a couple visiting me, & I was shocked at the way he controlled & manipulated her. She wasn’t even allowed to have the key to their house! Unimaginable stuff, for most of us.
I found myself getting angry, so I left the room. I was pacing in my bedroom, trying but failing to keep a lid on it. As I centered in Heart & just let go of it all, I found myself walking back into the room & delivering a message — rather forcefully, yet lovingly, somehow. It wasn’t unkind or nasty, just direct & strong.
It was almost as if I was watching myself in the delivery — just observing it happening. Strange. Even in the midst of the seeming anger, I was happy, peaceful. I didn’t feel angry at all, once I finally allowed the energy to just flow.
Anyway, we judge a tree by its fruits, & the feedback I later received from her was heartening. It helped her in some way with her relationship with him. It blessed me, as well.
The thing is, sometimes it may be, for lack of better words, our Higher Self speaking or acting — & sometimes “anger” or just a more forceful energy is necessary & appropriate to dislodge or disrupt a certain energetic pattern. Our mind cannot know this, but we’re so much more than just the mind!
Again, words don’t come easy, here, but it was, in a certain way, a more dreamlike than “normal” experience. It actually felt good. FWIW. 😃