A Pathless Path
Noting Consciousness Changes
Things are becoming clearer for many of us. We find ourselves more in touch with, more connected to something — our Inner Being, perhaps, or perhaps our Higher Self aspect as we’re moving out of the head & into Heart. We’re somehow coming from a different place & it takes some getting used to, as they say.
As we watch videos, especially on health or spiritual topics, we discover that we seem to know more, somehow sensing the rightness, the resonance of what someone is saying, or the lack of it. There’s no way to know where that’s coming from, that understanding. It’s a felt thing, something deeply sensed. One thing we can know is that it’s not originating in the mind.
How do we greet this, how do we handle it? No doubt differently for each one, which is great, but for me, I don’t let the mind interfere much. These things are arising from a much deeper space than thought, & their vibration, their energy isn’t mental, is quite unlike that of thought.
There’s more consciousness present, here — more present & acting in us, now. What we eventually realize is that we’re learning to read the energies, something quite new to most of us. There are times when we have almost a startling clarity around something we’re hearing, an innate understanding that’s there in a flash.
Decisions are easier to make, but only to the extent we stick with the inner or Heart energy. We can listen to what the mind has to say, but we no longer take it so seriously unless we’re in the midst of a mental task. We respect it in its place, but the spiritual aspects of being are alien to the mind.
Now, as we go through the comment threads under videos, we’re feeling peoples’ energies.
It’s clear to us who to reply to & who to avoid. I get a sense about whether someone is open to what I might share & don’t bother or bore them by answering if I don’t sense that receptive openness.
So many go into mental mode on things like that, wanting some sort of proof or justification for our words. That’s to return to the mind which exists in a more limited sphere. It takes time, but we get ever better at staying Heart-centric, just letting the rest fade away.
We don’t care as much what people think of us. We’re not trying to convince anyone, perfectly happy to share, but we want them to make their own choices. Duality, with its right & wrong, yes & no state, is less & less what we occupy. Our energy is rising higher in frequency & is more expansive. We may be sensing more of our auric field, IDK. It’s just different.
We’re not talking radical differences such as taking drugs can bring, but over some weeks or months, there are noticeable changes. If this is happening with you, it may be good to keep a journal where you jot your observations down. Two months from now you may note the difference in your energy as you read your latest entry, its contrast with the earlier ones.
Absent the journaling, that wouldn’t have been seen.
These distinctions don’t fit well into words, but they’re not meant to. Our consciousness is shifting, it’s changing, & we’re moving beyond so much need for words & thought. We’re picking up far more now by sensing rather than linear thinking & linear words.
Our journal entries don’t arise as much from the mind, these days. They carry more of the higher vibrational energies of Heart. There is some magnificent changing going on in many of us. We’re making some sort of a shift. I like the label, The Great Awakening, but those, too, are just words.
Heart knows what’s going on, but not the head, which wouldn’t be able to receive what this is.
The emptier we are, the better because then we’re not so much in the way of this shift, of these higher frequency energies that have other ways of being & of doing than those we’re accustomed to. Many things lose much of their importance in our life. Our values are shifting, too, finer, higher, more rarefied somehow, but with no conscious intent.
Here’s a kicker: we can only observe this flow going on. It’s not that we’re doing anything in particular. We’re being the Dance of Source, the Divine Dancer. It’s not at all like we’re a puppet being controlled, more like we’re aligning with Source/Higher Self, allowing the flow of those energies within us…through us…eventually as us. Very strange.
So it’s more an allowing than a doing — that works. Hey, words for these things are a bit tricky to come by. When we slip back into the mind — which we do often, early on — they just stop. They won’t flow until we center, again, but there are no guarantees around anything, no practices or paths that will work.
I love the way Krishnamurti summed things up, here:
“Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized, nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path.”
We’re more in the land of the inscrutable, now. We have less & less use for the mind’s linear logic, comforting though that once was. We’re getting far more than mere comfort in the midst of these changes. It feels like the more we empty the self out, the more we’re finding our self — our Self.
It’s just different. I hope this resonated with some. It’s so lovely to find our inner self speaking to us through the words of another — a seeming other, lol.
12:20 am, Friday, 2018/16/15, Mayan day 4 Wind / Ik