3D “Reality” is an Illusion
Bye-bye Ego
“The I Am is the echo of the one life.”
~Elisa Martinelli
It seems that we, the awakening ones, want to set off for the stratosphere, leaving this world behind with nary a backward glance. Not so fast, fellow patriots! That’s not how this is working. We’re here, we have work to do to usher in The Great Awakening, & leaving is not on that list — not yet.
We stand, face, & conquer.
We, the ego, must get out of the way; it’s blocking & misguiding our vision. It’s time to begin to disidentify with the body, the mind, all the games we’ve been playing. It may sound shocking, but the mind isn’t going along for this ride. The mind’s realm is relativity, is 3D & we’re moving on in consciousness & in frequency.
Who & what we are WE DO NOT (yet) KNOW. We’re in the midst of a (seeming) mess we don’t know how to escape — BUT — we don’t need to know. This is not a mind trek. Source is our guide through this via Heart, our deep inner core/connection to That.
It’s time for the ego to disappear, the mind-driven one we long took the self to be. We’re discovering the complete unreality of that one, of that illusion so tightly drawn around us. Sure, this is a mess! The good news? We’ve got this!
The way out is found within.
There is only one, only One. We — & all beings of every kind — are cells in the great body of That, the I Am That I Am where no twoness abides, no I & thou. No, the mind doesn’t like to hear that, but so what? Its place is the back seat, not the driver’s seat anymore — not if we want to awaken from this crazy daze. Let us focus in Heart & listen from there.
Perspectives are shifting, rapidly. It’s shocking for some; for all of us at one time or another. By dropping the beliefs imposed via schooling & socialization, we open the door to Source, to Heart, to truth. Truth is never imposed from without, it’s found within.
It’s our twoness, our multipleness that is the illusion. No atom ever touches another atom due to their energy fields. We’re literally living the illusion, living in what we may look back on as a sort of dream.
Einstein nailed this one here, too:
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
― Albert Einstein
The beauty is that we can choose to step out at any time. That won’t necessarily get it done for us, but it will open the door to a deeper perception of what is real — what is Real.
Who has the courage to walk through that door?
Humility is a helpful friend in all of this; not the phony, plastic humility that bows down to any & all but the humility that’s a natural aspect of the emptiness.
We weren’t warned, weren’t prepared for our encounter with Who we truly are as Source-in-form. We haven’t a clue about the true power resident in every thought. Well, okay, then it’s time we learned.
Nothing & no one can block us from this Great Awakening but the self.
So we have some odd new ideas to consider. Who is game for a real reality reset? Via the training & programming we’ve all undergone, we continually create what we’re experiencing, believing it all comes from outside of us. It does not.
It’s good to be humble before Who we truly are, friends.
When we think we know it all (or at least a significant portion thereof), we choose the self over the Self, the Source-in-form One. We have the right to choose but it’s time to discover the other options that have been hidden from us.
Creator works through us. I don’t know how else to say it. Thought creates. Yet, when we think thoughts both for & against what we want, we keep ourselves in a ineffectual rut. It’s not necessary, but when you don’t know any better, what’s to do?
Remember, it’s not a doing, it’s a being that comes to our rescue — the divine Beingness that we are. We eventually uncover that. It has the power to bring great changes IF that is our desire. Many choose to stay locked down due to that being their familiar state — or due to fear.
What others think, do, or say doesn’t matter — unless we let it, unless with give it our power, i.e., unless we be-lie-ve them. Our free will is always in control, no matter what our “outer circumstances” are. Creation is an inside job. We must go within to take an active part in it. Are you game? What will you find? No one can tell you, so perhaps go within, then come back & tell us what you find.
6:04 pm, 2020/05/21