12D ETs — Age of Aquarius Oncoming

Feeling Lost

9 min readOct 13, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

This communion with 12D is a companion piece to the latest journal, actually written before going to bed the night before. It reveals more details of the Dark Night, that lost feeling not just I, but many have been experiencing, recently.

Dear 12D, I call out to you — please come & play & share with me, here. I’d love to just sit back & hear you speak.

Beloved One, we are here, but of course. Yes, get comfortable — we’re ever happy to converse.

You still feel a bit lost, we see & sense, yet you’re handling it well with more letting-go, more conscious relaxation into whatever presents. You’re no longer so comfortable spending long hours at the computer, exploring in the old ways, mostly watching videos. You’ve become quite picky, little holding your attention as it once did.

It’s funny to watch you, fishing to find some comfort, there, where it’s largely absent, now. You go to your email, which used to occupy you often as you followed this or that trail. Now, with almost no subscriptions to anything, you don’t know what to do with yourself, at times.

Yet your facility with sinking down into Heart & staying there is increased, so you often just sit, just Be. Nothing calls to you — nothing is appealing — curiosity is fading into the background — so you just sit. Sitting is more possible, now, with almost no thought. You’re more present with the body now, too, often noting the surge of energies flowing, as now from the toes to the hips, up to the waist, that is clearly not of 3D — the chi, as some call it.

When your bodies are relaxed, this greatly enables the energetic flow, clearing pathways through the body long blocked. You’re all accelerating this way, but most only feel it in sleep, when they’re largely unaware. Few among humanity are good at simple deep relaxation in these days, but that will change, is changing, now. As humanity notes these surging energies through the form, they will be glad to lay back into relaxation, even just to witness, to experience that.

Thus will the changes accelerate. The more of you who note these strange feeling sensations, the more curiosity will begin to take them into more focus on self, on being Present in their Now. As the NowHere & self-focus are the gateway into higher consciousness, it will snowball soon enough, until it becomes more the topic of conversation than it is, at this point.

It takes a certain courage to leave the crowd, to part from the accustomed groups, the ‘herd’ with which one is comfortable. It takes a great deal of courage to leave mind to the side, to penetrate deeper within. These are the price of entry, as many are now discovering. Thought doesn’t get to come with you on this particular journey — it doesn’t fit. One has no need of the maps when one is in the inner realms — Heart knows the way.

You & humanity are rising in frequency, in consciousness, more than you know. You’re as yet unable to sufficiently step outside of the old ways, which keep you bound to the old realm. You are right about today’s youth being those who will most often lead the way. They came in, ready & equipped for that purpose, with a stubbornness with which you are not yet used to dealing. A rough time for teachers is ahead, for parents, as well, until you learn to recognize your teachers in your youth.

Humanity is actually ahead of schedule for this rise in consciousness, we are glad to report. We are so very pleased to witness the many who are adventuring far ahead of the pack, leading the way. As you each anchor this Light in this manner — for your Light shines the brighter, the deeper in Heart you go — you provide the coat-tails upon which the rest begin to ride.

It won’t be long, now, before even casual conversation will begin to ring with discussion around consciousness, the new experiences people are having. The power of Heart is immense. The power of mind was amazing, was great during its time, but Heart Power is exponentially stronger, so your progress will accelerate, thus proving this to you.

It is The Revolution of One, as your recent journal laid it out. Each one, acting individually with integrity & honor & a deep love of Truth will accelerate the whole society into the ethers in fairly short order.

Your mentors are at hand. Thus far we have been spiritual, not generally visible, but the time for that is fast passing. As the 5D Andromedans announced through Alex’s last webinar, (to continue in the next one,) you have both 3D & 4D mentors almost ready to make their appearance there, their presence known. The cabal’s fall will accelerate at an amazing pace as people awaken from the mind-daze, the mind days which will fade into the mists of the past in short order.

Humanity is well & truly moving on, yet it is by the movement, the actions, the entry into Heart of the individual — no more the groups. While this will seem strange & counter-intuitive to many at first, it will seem ever less so as they make their way within. This is & will truly be the Revolution, the Evolution of One. It won’t take marching in the streets or any protest beyond withdrawing from the old ways, pulling ever more out of The Matrix as you go within.

There is great excitement, even bated breath, as we watch from these levels, what’s taking place, there. We’re all in this more together than almost any among humanity yet realize. We are one, in so many ways & on so many levels as will bring surprises to one & all on planet earth — yes, even the cabal, where some few are awakening, even now.

Even if they only awaken to the extent that they refuse to carry out orders, to do business as usual, that all contributes to the overall awakening. Humanity will find pressure lifting from the cabal, on one hand, & pressure building, calling them inward on the other, such that it will form a joint venture moving them into awakening — yet only if that is their choice.

Many there are who will not be willing to pay the steep price — all that they are, all that they think they own, all that they believe they know — these will come crashing down, leaving each one to make the right choices, for them. The days of comparison are actually over. All that remains is the remnants of that, only relevant to those stubbornly closeted within mind, unwilling to let it go.

Each one gets to choose — no two paths are the same. No broad generalizations will work. Little external guidance will be found, for you’ll be seeing through what you once thought was wise & sound, now seeing it as holey as Swiss cheese. To the extent you abide in Heart, the new clarity will make itself known, quite changing the old landscape you thought you well knew. Now you don’t.

There will be a lot of stunned people, quite stopped to at least pause in their tracks as they watch the landscape shift & continue to morph. For a time you may even find increased referrals to both mental health professionals & even to time in their institutions. As admissions begin to rise out of all proportion to anything historical, you’ll be taken aback & begin to look deeper into that, seeking the answers, wondering why.

Even the mental health workers will, at some point, realize that none of the old models now work — perhaps they never did, as some few brave ones begin to question the old models on deeper levels of their own being, based on what feels right. The old ways will not feel right nor adequate much longer. They’ve gone unquestioned for far too long as it is, so this will be a time of revival that hits this industry — hard.

These will be frightening times for those tethered strongly to mind. Fear is the natural response to fast change, or has been. As more & more realize that mind is the actual culprit, the aspect of self that goes into fear, this will shine the light on the way, up ahead. What’s ahead is a time of questioning everything, simply everything, & it will go to very deep levels before finding its way into Heart.

Age of Aquarius — In5d

Many will rebel, will insist that the old ways are quite good enough. Things will be toughest for them, for mind — 3D mind — itself is going down. It will no longer be the focus for the new, dawning age, as it has been of the centuries before. Mind is not a suitable, sustainable platform to take you into the Aquarian Age, for which Heart is the appropriate vessel.

This change will not be too swift, for it is not imposed from any quarter, but it will be humanity, itself, at the helm, making their individual choices along the way that will unlock the new paradigm, the new broader reality — you’re on the cusp. Pondering how long it will take is a mind endeavor that won’t bear worthy fruit. Be Here Now is what we would say. Drop everything else, at least in your moments of repose where you have the best opportunities of tuning-in, going within, discovering what awaits.

Mind cannot know what’s ahead.

That’s the toughest message we now bring. Some will fight it to the death, going down kicking & screaming in utter protest that the old ways will no longer work. You’ll watch the old ways falling apart across the globe. It won’t be that long before some put the pieces together, seeing into where it’s all headed. Watch the youth. Hear them.

Heart & hear are obviously closely related — there’s a message there. Hear yourself, not just the youth. Hear what’s ongoing within you. Hear us, your Guides, your soul family, speaking to you, there in Heart. Listen, friends — less talk, less chatter, more quiet pondering on a much deeper level than mind. While this is ever so do-able, it’s on such a different platform than any are yet accustomed that it will seem strange — very strange — but not for long.

Just when so many will think the world has quite gone crazy, the new Light will be penetrating, pressing so intensively — then along will come the ET & ED mentor races to lend a welcome hand. All is well. The overall awakening is at hand, available for all who will choose to release the historical hold mind has on them, along with all of the history as enabling them to gauge anything that’s happening.

Be allowing, friends. Let people make their own choices, as you stick to yours. You can’t make choices for them, nor can you make choices for yourself until you get untangled from the skeins of mind, of twisted thoughts & beliefs. As long as these are retained, they continue to control the reality for the ones holding on to them. Nor can you help them see how this works.

Entrust them to Source, for they are every bit as divine, as great as you are.

Oh dear, 12D — the journaling, the communion seems so different. I do hope my keyboarding has run at least somewhat close to what you intend, here, to disclose. I don’t recognize much in it, compared to the previous way it would flow. Please comfort — or correct — me on that score before you leave off.

Yes, Theresa-Ann, it is quite good enough. You will gain facility with the new, deeper levels as we go. Be at peace, dear one. Good job, & we can see that you’re ready to get some rest. We’re glad you stayed with us through this much. Much more is in store, which we so look forward to offering, but this is enough, for now.




12:23 am, Thursday 2017/10/12, 1st, Mayan day 5 Wisdom / Cib




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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